Equipment Product
Push/Right Angle Style Hand Controls These hand controls are easily operated by persons with limited finger dexterity. To operate the brake, push the handle upward, and to accelerate, push downward and to the right.
Push/Pull Style Hand Controls This type of hand control is also suited for those with limited finger dexterity and is easily operated. To brake, push forward on the handle and to accelerate, pull it backwards. In addition, a three-post hand interface can be installed that allows the user to maintain constant contact with the handle.
Push/Rock Style Hand Controls Even drivers with no finger dexterity can operate this type of hand control. With a simple push forward the brake is engaged; rock it back to accelerate.
Push/Rotate Style Hand Controls While full or limited finger function is required for this hand control, it is still easily operated. To brake, push the handle forward, and to accelerate, twist the handle.